Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Is your marketing plan sitting on a shelf?

Great marketing plans come to nothing if the business is not ready to deliver the actions.

Seems like an obvious statement. The simplest of considerations to take into account. 

Consider these scenarios which you may have seen in play:

- Creative executions with limited media investment
- Communications channel activation with limited resources to drive content and dialogue
- Marketing initiative roll-out without sales engagement/support
- Customer events with no follow up or database building
- Technology not aligned to planned activities/communications objectives
- Marketing planning teams misaligned with product/branding 'go to market' groups
- High production costs, low promotional funds
- Great idea without the internal 'know how' to execute
- An articulate and well thought out plan that sits on the shelf collecting dust

The list could go on. In large companies planning and strategy are often separate groups to the teams that execute initiatives. In small companies, business owners are often 'minute managers' and employees multi-taskers. These two dynamics often mean there is a misalignment on strategy intent and how ready the business is to deliver the actions required to achieve the outcomes. 

Below is a template that incorporates a business ready assessment phase. It requires thought about the changes needed within the business to deliver the marketing plan. It is a process that can therefore be used to prioritise short term tactics or to identify longer term changes needed to achieve goals which can be built into a phased approach.

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